37 weeks
Nursery isn't finished... I still need to make a crib skirt and hang things on the walls. Clothes aren't organized or put away... at least they are mostly washed though! We have a car seat but we are going to exchange it this weekend for one that will work with our stroller (that is if Blake doesn't arrive before then). Hospital bags are definitely not packed.
So with only 2 weeks away from the much anticipated arrival of our baby boy and I am franticly trying to get everything done. I guess I always thought that he would come late but that may not be the case because as of Friday I have dilated 2-3cm! The Midwife seemed to think he could come any day now!
You'll be amazed how much you can get done once you are done with work! And you'll realize what things just won't get done - and it won't matter!