Saturday, February 25, 2012

We are home!

So in my last post I said that next time you hear form me I'll be posting from Virginia, well I did have intentions of sharing about our trip while we were there but that didn't happen since I didn't have my computer with me and blogging from an iPad isn't so easy.

But we are back! We had a great time, B loved all the cousin time with Tristan and I got to enjoy some sight seeing, shopping and baby time with my new sweet little nephew. I am still working on getting all of our pictures together to share with you but some how when I sit down on the couch after B has gone to bed to do so, I manage to fall asleep... not sure if its the time change I'm still trying adjust to or something else...  Anyway, hopefully in the next day or two or three, I will post about our fun trip back east! So stay tuned!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The flu.

The flu hit the Bartlett household hard at the end of the week. Wednesday afternoon Russ called to say he was coming home because he wasn't feeling good. I will spare you the details but by Thursday morning we were all feeling crummy and were couch bound. Blake and I were back to normal by Friday and Russ is finally starting to feel back to normal. I don't think I have ever seen him so sick and miserable. It was not fun and I'm thankful to have my husband back now. We unfortunately missed out on a lot of fun things that were planned for the weekend. But oh well, what can you do. Just glad we mostly are back to normal!

Now it's time for me to get packing because Blake and I take off for Virginia on Wednesday to meet my new nephew and hopefully see some sights of DC! I am a little nervous about flying by myself across the country with a one-and-a-half-year-old. I've stocked up on coloring/sticker books, a new little car and some other fun things he can do in a confined space for 4 hours including iPad aps and a few Sesame Street and Backyardigans episodes. Hope all that and some snacks will keep him occupied.

The next time you hear form me I'll most likely be posting from Virginia!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Meet my new Nephew!

Logan Phillip Stevenson
Born February 8, 2012 at 12:32
Weighing 8lbs 7oz and 19 3/4 long

On Wednesday Blake and I fly to Reston, VA to meet little Logan and spend a week with them, I can't wait! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pictures, lots and lots of pictures.

One of my new years resolutions is to go through all our pictures on our computer and burn them onto DVDs to make room for this years photos.
So far I've managed to delete roughly 246 photos leaving 9,754 on the computer and I'm only about a third of the way done. It's taking forever and that's not even with burning the pictures onto DVDs. Maybe I take too many pictures.
Or I need to get better about deleting the crapy ones off of the camera before they even get on the computer.

I would love to hear any advice on how you store your pictures. Do you delete the bad ones before putting them on the computer? Have you taken the time to burn DVDs/CDs or do you use an external hard drive?

For fun here are a few old pics I came across in my venture to clean them out!

Jan 2010 
our house... boy has it changed a lot!

June 2010
Blake arrives!

Dec 2010
Blake's first Christmas

July 2011
He's walking!

Dec 2011
Zoo Lights

{do you see the recurring theme with these pictures...}


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