Friday, October 26, 2012

An escape artist...

For the last, oh, couple weeks now, Blake has mastered climbing out of his crib. It was becoming a few times a night thing. We'd lay him down and the next thing we knew he was opening his door asking for water or at nap time he'd climb out and play with the toys in his bedroom.

Then the other night we hooked up one of these...
A video monitor. 
And he hasn't climbed out since we plugged it in! He has seen how it works and knows that Mommy can see him on it, so he's resisted the temptation to climb out. I will have to admit, this has provided some pretty good entertainment for Russ and I. Last night he stood up in his crib and roared at the door like he was a tiger (he loves tigers right now). I was shocked when it took him almost 45 minutes to fall asleep! We will transition him to a "big boy bed" soon. But now that he's not climbing out 4 times a night I'm not as motivated to transition him, just yet. We'll see how long the "fear" of the video monitor lasts. I'm guessing not long.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lily: 1 Month

Wow has it really already been one month since Lily was born?! I know I said this with every month that passed with Blake, but wow time sure goes by fast when you are watching a little one grow!

Lily's first month:
Weight: She hasn't been weighed since her 2 week appointment. At that appointment she weighed 8lbs 11.5oz. She gained 14oz in one week! I'm guessing she's closing in on the 10lb mark now. {that's over a whole 2lbs more then Blake wieghed... crazy how 2 kids from the same parents can be so different!}
Length: 21in {1.5in longer then Blake}
Wears: Size 1 disposable diapers, x-small cloth diapers, and 0-3month clothes.
She's been sleeping pretty well at night. Usually wakes up twice to eat and then goes right back to sleep. 
Eats about every 2-3 hours and gives us one 5-6 hour stretch at night.
Loves being swaddled.
Loves her swing. 
Does pretty well in the car.
Went to her first Beaver Tailgater at 12 days old. 
First trip to Medford at 2 weeks old.
The last couple days both eyes have become goopy... I'm hoping they clear up quick! And that we don't have the same ordeal like with did with Blake!
Big Brother loves to help with diaper changes and likes to share is beloved night, night with sister and is slowly learning not to bug Lily while she's in her swing :)
Little Lily has been such a blessing to our family! I am so excited to watch her grow :)

Blake: 1 month 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lily's Birth Story

{This is pretty long and detailed... if you want the short and sweet version scroll down to the bottom... or if you just want to see pictures scroll down...}

Lily's due date was September 14th. For some reason I had this feeling she would be early. I think maybe because my birthday is September 9th and I thought she would come close to then. But since Blake was born on his due date, I felt like I had no way to gage as to if she'd be early or late (it was just wishful thinking she'd be early, I guess). She had her own time schedule that's for sure! 

At my 39 week appointment I had the midwife check my progress I was at 3cm and about 60% effaced, she also swiped the membranes. That weekend we had tickets to the Oregon State vs Wisconsin game (which by the way, Beavers won, woohoo!). It's rather a hike (to say the least) to get to our seats so everyone thought that walking to the game and hiking up to our seats would bring on labor. Nope. 

September 14th rolled around and I found myself back at the doctors office (for the 40 week appointment). I had the midwife check my progress and I was at 3-4cm and 70% effaced. But still wasn't having any regular strong contractions or signs of labor. I made an appointment for Friday September 21st just incase Lily hadn't come on her own by then. I would have a stress test and fluids checked to make sure she was still healthy hanging out in there. I thought for sure (and so did everyone else) I would go into labor before that next appointment. At night I would wake up wishing I was was having contractions, but instead I just needed to pee really bad.

Another week passed and I was still pregnant. My mom had taken the week of her due date off thinking Lily would be here by then, so she came up Thursday to watch Blake while Russ and I went to my 41 week appointment on Friday. I wasn't sure what the outcome of the stress test would be so it was nice to have my mom here, incase the doctor decided to induce. 

At the 41 week appointment Lily passed the stress test with flying colors. Her heart rate was perfect, and she was still swimming in plenty of amniotic fluid. I was relieved that she was fine in there, but at the same time wishing there would be reason to induce (I was ready to be done being pregnant!).  After the stress test we met with the doctor. She checked my progress and swiped the membranes, again (hoping that it would work this time). Before she checked me, she said if I was to 5cm she just might have me admitted. She checked and said I was a good 4cm. She then swiped and as she did, she said "oops, I think I just put you to 5cm". She then told me not go too far from home and we scheduled an induction for Monday morning at 6am (if I made it that far). 

Well, the weekend went by and Monday morning rolled around and I was still very pregnant. 

We arrived to the hospital by 6:30am. (It was kind of a weird feeling leaving home, knowing that when we returned we would be a family of four!) Around 7:30am Susan (my midwife) checked my progress. I was about 6cm and almost completely effaced. (I was over half way there and still not having any major contractions, crazy!) Susan talked to me about my options. She said I could be given pitocin to start contractions, and then have an epidural, and then break my water. Or she could just break my water and see how things progress and if after 4 hours nothing seemed to be happening, then would start pitocin. I really wanted to try to have Lily naturally, so I decided to have my water broke and see how things went from there. 

Before she broke my water we were able to order some breakfast from the cafeteria and kind of relax a little (not sure if it's possible to relax knowing that you are going to be having a baby soon!). Russ and I had some breakfast and then he ran down to the car to get our bags and we got settled in.

Around 8:30am Susan broke my water. When she broke my water she said that it looked clear which was good meaning no meconium in the water. A little bit later when I got up to go to the bathroom, I noticed there was a brown tint to the water on the bed. I called in the nurse to show her and sure enough there was meconium in the water. Because of the meconium and the risk of her inhaling it, which could block her airways, all of the doctors were called to be there at time of delivery. (I can't remember which doctors exactly, but it seemed like the room was full of people when Lily was born)

9:30am rolled around and my mom and Russell's mom arrived. I was able to get up and walk around, but it seemed like things weren't really progressing. I was having contractions but they weren't supper strong or close together. About an hour later my contractions really started to become stronger and longer. Susan checked my progress and I was at 8cm. It was all kind of a blur from there. I remember saying I needed to go to the bathroom and telling Susan I think I want an epidural and she said "honey, remember you said you didn't want one and you are so close!" She was right because the next thing I remember I was starting to push. I pushed 5 or so times for about thirty-ish minutes and at 11:31am she was born! (And thankfully she started screaming almost instantly!) It all seemed to happen so quickly! 

I was a little nervous to be induced. Since I went into labor without any help with Blake, I just thought the same would happen with Lily. Then waiting 10 days pass my due date, I never thought that would happen. But God had different plans and his plan was perfect. Everything really, went just how I pictured it would. It was amazing to experience childbirth without any drugs at all (although, I'm honestly not sure which way is better... that epidural with Blake was pretty amazing, ha!). Russell was so supportive and by my side through the whole process, the nurses and midwife were wonderful and we have a wonderful family who took great care of Blake while we were in the hospital. Couldn't have asked for more! God is good!

Lily Marie was born on September 24 (ten days late!) at 11:31am weighing 8lbs. 9oz (a whole 1lb and 7oz more then her brother) and was 20 3/4 (1 and 3/4in longer then her brother! No wonder I was so uncomfortable by the end.) She is perfect in every way and has been such a blessing to our family! We love her so much!!

{***The short version: We arrived to the hospital at 6:30am my water was broke at 8:30am. Contractions really picked up around 10:30am and at 11:31 Lily Marie was born!}

Only seconds old!

 8lbs 9oz! 

 Meeting Big Brother for the first time!
We're a family of 4!


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