Sunday, March 28, 2010

Isaiah 53

We read this in church this evening. It gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes. We have an awesome God! 

There was nothing beautiful or
 majestic about his appearance,
nothing to attract us to him.
He was despised and rejected-
a man of sorrows, acquainted with 
deepest grief.
We turned our backs on him and
looked the other way.
He was despised, and we did not 

Yet it was our weakness he carried;
it was our sorrows that weighed 
him down.
And we thought his troubles were 
a punishment from God,
a punishment for his own sins!
But he was pierced for our rebellion,
crushed for our sins.
He was beaten so we could be whole.
He was whipped so we could be
All of us, like sheep, have strayed away.
We have left God's path to follow
our own.
Yet the Lord laid on him
the sins of us all.

He was oppressed and treated harshly,
yet he never said a word.
He was lead like a lamb to the 
And as a sheep is silent before the
he did not open his mouth.
Unjustly condemned,
he was led away.
No one cared that he died without
that his life was cut short in
But he was struck down 
for the rebellion of my people.
He had done no wrong
and had never deceived anyone.
But he was buried like a criminal;
he was put in a rich man's grave.

But it was the Lord's good plan to 
crush him
and cause him grief.
Yet when his life is made an offering
for sin,
he will have many descendants.
He will enjoy a long life,
and the Lord's good plan will 
prosper in his hands.
When he sees all that is accomplished
by his anguish,
he will be satisfied.
And because of his experience,
my righteousness servant will make it
for many to be counted righteous,
for HE will BEAR ALL their SINS.
I will give him the honors of a
victorious solider,
because he exposed himself to 
He was counted among the rebels.
HE BORE the sins of many and 
interceded for the rebels.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 5

Okay, so I have been kind of frustrated with this blog posting thing. Uploading pictures had been an challenge for me, trying to get them in the right order and it seemed like if I did them large it would take forever to upload. I was just playing around with the settings and came across an updated editor! I think this will make my blogging a lot easier! I am very excited to play around with it!

Today Don spent the day again in the yard. Lets see, I think we are now up to 4 yard debris loads and 2 dump loads! Who knew there would be so much to get rid of! The weather was beautiful today but the rain is on its way for tomorrow, actually it is already raining, I can hear it now. 

Here are some pictures from today:
The back yard. 

Not quite sure what we are going to do in this corner... maybe some tomato and cucumber plants! 

This evening Russ and Pam hung the trim in Blake's room! It still needs a coat of paint but it is really close to being done!

Tomorrow's projects... Finish the trim in Blake's room, paint the door, and more yard work!

Raven has loved having someone to spend her days with this week!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The yard...

Day 4: No new pictures of today. These ones were taken from a couple days ago, but it will give you an idea of what Don was up against today! Lots and lots of yard debris! Unfortunately Russ had to go back to work today. Don spent the day cleaning up the yard, Pam painted the trim for the chair rail in Blake's room and pulled some of the never ending weeds!

The huge pile of debris left from the tree that fell over before we moved in.

3 loads later and it is mostly all gone. We were able to dump it at a coworkers of Russ who lives on some property where he will burn it which was great!

So after today the back yard is pretty much cleaned up! I will try to post some pictures of it all cleared out tomorrow. With all that debris I didn't realize how big of a yard we have. Soon it will be time to plant a garden!

Then and now...
Just thinking back to last year at this time when we still lived in the duplex. Here was our front yard then. Which we spent a weekend sprucing up.

Our yard now...
Quite the difference! We won't just be doing yard work for one weekend in the spring anymore! There will always be yard work to be done!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Progress is being made!

Day 3:
Lots got done today! Russ and Don got an early start this morning on the fence. It is getting closer to being finished and looks great! Pam finished painting Blake's room and we moved the crib into it this evening! Thankfully we didn't have to take the whole thing apart!

The tree out front is starting to bloom! Its going be gorgeous!

Here is the brown and blue! No more orange :(

Pam painting away.... Blake says "Thank you nana, I love my room and so does mommy!"

And the crib is in! Now just need to hang the chair rail... hopefully that will get done tomorrow or Wed. We have decided to return the rug we bought because it doesn't quite go. There is still lots to be done but it is taking shape!
The fence...

The weather was a bit better today!

Raven is always there to lend a helping hand!

Ta da! Here is the front! The very long side still needs to be finished and the gates need to be done. Building a 120ft fence is a lot of work!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 2

2nd day's prgress: Don and Russ spent the whole day digging wholes and setting posts. Here are some pictures from the day:

Mixing cement, even Raven enjoyed helping!

Working hard even in the rain. I guess it wouldn't be spring break without a little bit of rain.

The posts are set!

Rhodes and Azaleas that will be planted

This is the door that goes from the kitchen to the garage. It still needs a lot of work. After painting the first coat I learned that it needs to be sanded a bit in order for the paint to adhere to it. I am going to have to sand it and then repainted probably with a few coats. Its a work in progress. But this will give you an idea of what it will look like when it is done!

Pam also spent the better part of the day painting Blake's room. I didn't get any pictures of it today but will tomorrow. I am loving the blue and brown we picked out!

Funny story about the crib... So last night Russ and Don put the crib together in the living room. We haven't move it into Blake's room since there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. Tonight I was skyping with my parents and I showed them the crib (which is still sitting in the living room) and my dad says "are you sure that will fit through the bedroom door?" I said well I think so. So then Russ measured it and the door way and guess what?! Its not going to fit!!! Ha ha! So Russ gets to take it a part and rebuild it... hopefully the second time around it will go a little quicker!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I dislike picking out paint colors.

Don and Pam (Russell's parents) arrived today. They came up for spring break, Don is going to help Russ put up a short fence in the front yard and do some yard work for us and Pam is going to help paint Blake's room. Here are some pictures from day #1.

The first project of the day: Paint Colors.
I have learned that either I do not have an eye for color or orange is a really hard color to pick out! For Blake's room we are going to put up a chair rail and on the bottom half I really wanted to paint orange and the top either white or a light blue. Little did I know 3 samples of orange later and we still wouldn't have a color I was happy with :( (we were also contemplating stripes but we have decided against that)
So after many trips to the paint store, we decided to go with brown for the bottom and light blue for the top. We are going to use the brown on the right side. I really wanted to stay away from brown and blue because it seems as if that is what everyone is doing these days for a baby boys room but I think after it is all done it will look really nice. Oh well, maybe someday I will be brave enough to paint a play room orange. Or Russ says he now has a lot of orange paint to use in a tree house someday.
Second project of the day: The Crib!
We got the crib today! I couldn't be happier with it! I LOVE it! And since it is white I think it will look really good against the brown wall!
Russ and Don putting the crib together, Raven thinks she is helping too.
And it's finished!
Third project of the day.... Fence.
We are going to add a little 3ft fence around the front yard to give us some more privacy. Russ and Don did a little measuring and then off to Home Depot to get wood!
2.5 hours and a few hundred dollars later and we have a fence in the making! Let the work begin!
All loaded up!
Will post more pictures as we get things done! Praying the rain holds off so we can get some work on the yard done and the fence started tomorrow!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Not the way I planned to spend my weekend...

Saturday started off great! We headed in to Corvallis to watch Michael (the little boy I have watched since he was 18 months, now he is 5) play soccer. Well he doesn't really play soccer its more running around kicking a soccer ball but it is pretty cute to watch. After that we headed to Winco to do some grocery shopping and dropped Raven off at Petco to be bathed. We grabbed a sandwich from University Hero while we waited for Raven to be done. After that we came back to Albany and stopped at Sherwin Williams to get paint samples for Blake's room :) Upon arriving home I started to feel a little crummy. After putting away the groceries I sat down on the couch and pretty much haven't left the couch since :(

Saturday night was no fun. Threw up a few times (I will spare you the details) and have been glued to the couch with a slight fever and bad aches. I am not one to get sick like this, actually can't remember the last time I was this sick. Good news... the congested nose I have been dealing with the last 2 weeks is gone! So hopefully after I get over this flu bug I will be healthy! It is scary being sick and pregnant. I keep thinking I just want Blake to stay healthy. I did call the midwife last night and she reassured me that everything would be fine, just need to stay hydrated. And it helps put my mind at easy when I feel him moving around in there.

There were lots of things I wanted to get done this weekend but haven't. Like cleaning out Blake's room, shopping for some more maternity clothes, organizing garage sale stuff... but I guess its not going anywhere so it will all get done in time. Russ did go buy a lawn mower today! I guess we are officially homeowners now that we own a lawn mower!

Here is the rug we bought awhile back for Blake's room! I love all the different colors in it. We are going to focus on the orange and brown and maybe some blue.
Orange paint! We are going to put a chair railing up and paint the bottom half orange. We are playing around with idea of possibly doing strips! A lighter and darker orange. The paint hasn't gone on the wall yet so that will be the true test! Next week Don and Pam are going to be here and Pam is going to help with the painting!

Our new lawn mower!

Hoping and praying I will get more done next weekend (we are going to have a garage sale and Don and Pam are coming!) Should head to be since it is after 11pm but don't feel that tired probably because all I did all day was sleep and sit on the couch. Hope your weekend was more productive then mine!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

27 weeks

Can't believe I am 27 weeks pregnant! At times if felt as if I would never be this far along. Now only 13 weeks to go which is hard to believe and I know will go by so fast. I can't wait for little Blake to be here and to hold him in my arms!

Ultrasound at 19 weeks/4 days

27 weeks!! 13 to go!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekends always go too fast!

Does it ever seem like its Friday night and you blink and its Sunday night? That's how my weekends have seemed to be lately.

This weekend we headed up to Baby's R US to register for Baby Blake. I would say I think am pretty experienced when it comes to taking care of babies and kids, but honestly I never realized how much stuff one baby could possibly need! And how overwhelming it would be to pick the right car seat and stroller! But we got it done and I think we will be happy with what we have chosen. We also ordered the crib!
I will try to get some pics of the house and all the projects that we have done up soon!


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