Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lily: 7 months

First off, did you notice the date?! I'm actually posting this on her 7 month "birthday"! Yay for me, finally hahaha!

Some stats:
Weight: I'm going to guess 15ish pounds
She is almost able to sit unassisted! 
She rolls everywhere. If there's something she wants she'll roll to get it.
She has found her voice! Sometimes she'll just squeal this high pitched squeal just because.
She had began to throw a fit if you take something she is playing with away. 
She now goes in the nursery at church and mom's group!
Her two middle left fingers are her favorite. Doesn't use a pacifier anymore.
She is still waking up once or so a night to nurse, generally around 4am, and then goes right back to sleep.
She is still struggling with eating solids. She will now at least open her mouth for the spoon but as soon as I put a bite in she follows it with her finger. It's like she needs to suck on her finger to swallow the food. I've tried chunks of soft food but she just gags and gags and gags on it. 

Lily, we can't believe how fast you are growing! We love you so much sweet girl!

Blake at 7 months

Thursday, April 18, 2013

B and Lil at 6 Months

Blake on the left, Lily on the right

I was kind of surprised! I thought they would look more alike. {Lily definitely has a little bit more chub then her older brother :)} It'll be interesting to see how they resemble each other as they get older. 
What do you think?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Easter 2013

Easter this year was a little untraditional for us. We had been at the beach for the weekend and traveled home on Easter Sunday which meant we didn't make it to church on Easter Sunday. Gasp! I know, at first I thought not going to church on Easter wouldn't be that big of a deal, {since we go to church almost every Sunday} but it really felt kind of weird. Like it wasn't really Easter or something. Anyhow we did celebrate Easter at the beach in the morning with Easter buckets, and egg hunt and a yummy breakfast {you can see here}. Then we went over to our friends the Hammagren's house for a yummy Easter dinner {for the 4th year in a row}.

Here are some pictures from Easter dinner...
 Yes, the kids look like they are dressed for summer... it was 70 degrees on Easter!
{That's pretty much unheard of for the Willamette Valley on Easter}

It was fun to change it up a little this year, but I think next year we will make it a point to go to church on Easter :) Hope you had a great Easter!

Here is Easter 2012

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Beach Trip 2013

A couple weekends ago {Easter weekend, the last weekend of spring break, to be exact} we had a little vacation over to Lincoln City with Russell's side of family. It was fun weekend full of playing on the beach, eating good food, wedding prep {my sister-in-law Kacie is getting married in June and she brought the wedding invites for us to help put together and I had the privilege to take their engagement pictures!} and some outlet shopping. And we had BEAUTIFUL weather the whole weekend... sunny and warm! {for the Oregon Coast}

We started our trip by going to the Oregon Aquarium.
This boy was sure happy with his hot cocoa for the car ride over and then McDonalds for lunch.
Checking out the "passages of the deep"

Lily enjoyed seeing all the fishies too!

Enjoying a yummy lunch at Mo's. When visiting the coast this is a must for us!
Lily sat in a high chair {at a restaurant} for the first time! {yes, there is a tear in my eye, she is growing up too fast!}

 Walking to the beach for some kite flying fun!
Like I said, the weather was beautiful!

 Friday night we dyed Easter eggs, since it was Easter weekend after all.
 He is a cheese ball.

Future brother-in-laws

 Wedding invitations in the making!

 Blake found a treasure on the beach! 
{Don hid a glass ball, the kind that are hidden on the beach that are really hard nearly impossible to find, for Blake to find}
 The guys
 Lily's first time on the beach!
 Seriously beautiful.
Nana Pam and Lily {Lily was not a fan of the wind}
All that fun on the beach tuckered her out!

Since we woke up Easter Morning at the beach the Easter Bunny made a stop by the beach house!

 Checking out his Easter loot

 Hunting for Easter eggs and checking out the Easter Bunny's foot prints!
 And while doing that we saw a real bunny! What are the odds of that?!

One last stop at the beach before we all headed home.

And this is what Blake did when we said it was time to leave... 
It was a fun, great, relaxing weekend! Looking forward to going again!

{Here is our beach trip from two years ago}

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lily: 6 months 2 weeks

How is my baby already half-a-year-old?! Geesh, if the next six months go by as fast as the last six months, she will be one before we know it. Time needs to slow down!

{pictures take at 6 months}

Lily's 6th month:
Weight: Closing in on 15lbs
Still mostly just nursing. We keep trying solids but she's just not interested. 
She has started really rolling and moving around! I don't think it'll be long until she starts scooting or crawling!
Starting to wear 9 month size clothes.
Loves smiling and laughing at her brother.
Is still waking up 1-2 times at night, nurses and then goes right back to sleep.

Blake: 6 month


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