Wednesday, December 14, 2011

18 months!!!

Blake had his half Birthday last Wednesday! 
I can hardly believe that he is already one and a half. 
Or maybe, its that I can not believe in just six short months he will be two. 
 Taking his picture is still a challenge...
 He doesn't like to hold still
And he loves climbing on things.
Love that smile!

Blake stats:
Weight: 21lbs. 9 oz. {15th percentile}
Length: 31in {5th percentile}
He's still a little guy!
He has six teeth. Four up top, two on bottom.
He can say: dada, mama, Re-Re {Raven}, ball, hot, no, uh-oh, oh no, bye, wow. 
He knows where his ears, eyes, mouth and nose are.
He can sign for more, all done and please.
He is becoming quite the little helper and loves to find things to put in the garbage.
He can feed himself pretty well using a spoon or fork.
He is becoming more of a picky eater... he still isn't liking the vegetables.
We have started using time out when he does something he knows he shouldn't {like unrolling the toilet paper or pulling the Christmas ornaments off the tree}
He sleeps about 7:30pm-7am and has finally dropped the first nap and just takes one nap in the afternoon for about  2 hours. Occasionally he'll just rest in the morning in his crib for a half hour or so but doesn't fall asleep.
He loves going to work with me and playing with the kids his age!
He still goes to sleep with "night night" his blanket every night.
I can't believe he's one and a half. It's just crazy how fast they grow! 
We LOVE you Blake!


  1. I can't believe how old he is getting! Let me know if you figure out good tricks to get him to eat his veggies; I can already tell it's going to be a problem with Claire :)

  2. He is so adorable! Now that they are older Blake and Tristan seem so much closer in age! A newborn and a 2 month old are quite different but an 18 month old and a 20 month old? not so much. I wished we lived closer!! Have a great Christmas!

  3. He's a little guy but hes getting so big! Happy 18 months Blake!

  4. I love your "Blake on the move" photos. What an active little guy!



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