Monday, July 12, 2010

The weekend

Summer is finally here! We finally had a hot weekend, it was great! Saturday we started the day by heading in to Corvallis and walking around downtown with the Hammagrens. We went to the Farmers Market and then checked out the sidewalk sale downtown. I didn't buy anything this time, but always have fun browsing at Inkwell! Blake enjoyed napping while we walked around, until he became hot and hungry then he let us know he had enough.

Saturday evening we enjoyed dinner on the deck! We found a great deal on a table, end table and 6 chairs and finally get to enjoy them!

After enjoying a nice dinner on the deck, we took Blake on his first walk around the neighborhood. It was quite an eventful walk... Blake did great (slept the whole time) but Raven was another story. She pees all the time when we go on walks. Its like she thinks she needs to leave her mark like male dogs do. Well, we walk pass this one house and what does Raven do she squats to try to pee (by this point in our walk she has already peed out all that was in her). The homeowner was out watering his plants and sees Raven take a squat and then starts cussing at us telling us we need to pick up her poop! Russell kindly says she just peed, and we continued to walk. Well the grumpy old man keeps cussing at us!! It was crazy, I didn't know one could use so many cuss words in one sentence. And the grass she squatted on was the patch between the sidewalk and the street! It was pretty ridiculous. We will not be walking passed that house ever again!

Sunday was another nice relaxing day! Blake tried out his new Playplace. He liked it for about 10 minutes and then started crying. But I don't think that was too bad for the first time.

One last great thing about this weekend... we purchased this:
I have wanted this camera for a long time and have wanted it even more since Blake has been born. The point and shoot camera we currently have just isn't fast enough to catch all the cute/funny faces Blake makes. We found it on for a great price and even comes with the big better lens! I can't wait to start taking pictures with it!!

Hope you all had a great weekend too!


  1. Oh cool - you will love the new camera! Looks like Blake is growing and enjoying life and that you are all doing well. Hope to meet the little guy sometime soon.

  2. Your deck looks SO nice and relaxing! Blake is getting so big and that's awesome about the new camer...DSLRs are the way to go, you won't regret it!

  3. Love the camera, I want one, ours is never fast enough!



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