Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years "Resolutions"

Happy New Year!
Wow! I can't believe it's 2012. Wasn't it just Y2K?! {and my mom was stocking the pantry shelves incase the world came to a screeching halt} Isn't it hard to believe that that was 12 years ago? What's even more hard for me to believe is this year marks 10 years since high school graduation. How is that possible? It is just crazy to me how fast time really goes by.

So here we are January 2nd 2012 the beginning of a new year. 
I always enjoy the beginning of a new year. I like the feeling of a fresh start. I think that's why I always liked starting a new school year or in college a new term. Every year I usually have some sort of "resolutions" but I have never written them down or kept any sort of track of how I've done with keeping them. So this year I thought by maybe blogging about them {or at least making a list} I might do a better job at keeping them. {we'll see. no promises are being made. hopefully this won't be the only time I write about them. Ha!} 
Okay so here are my goals for 2012...

1. Read more 
There are so many books I would love to read. And I need to just start making the time to do so. Less TV in the evenings = more reading. Easy enough. {maybe I'll even blog about a book review!}

2. Organize all our pictures
There are currently over 10,000 pictures on our computer. 10,000! That's A LOT. I've been slowly going through them and deleting the bad ones. Eventually I want to start burning DVDs of them all to get them off the computer to have more space for the new ones for 2012.

3. Clean out attic/closets
We have been in our house 2 years now. And I know there is stuff in the attic we don't need/or used in the past 2 years. This spring there is going to be one BIG garage sale at our house. 

4. Workout
I think this is on my "list" every year. Even just going for more walks would be good enough for me.

5. Go to bed earlier
There are many nights I'm not in bed till 11pm or later. That's too late. 10pm needs to be my new bedtime.

6. Try one new recipe a week
I feel like I make the same 12 things for dinner over and over. This year I would love to find a few more good recipes to add to my 12 staples.

7. Stick to a budget
We have attempted a budget many times and usually we fail/give up. We are trying new software called YNAB (You Need A Budget). We sat down yesterday and wrote out a budget. I really think this will help us realize where our money goes and make us more conscious of what we are spending money on {there is an app for it!}. And hopefully in return we will become more wise on how we spend our money and hopefully save more then we have before.

Well, there they are. We'll see how this goes. Maybe I'll track my progress, maybe I won't. But it will be interested to look back a year from now and see where I'm at with these goals.
I'm looking forward to all the adventures God has for me/our family in 2012!


  1. Those are pretty much all things I need to do as well.

  2. #1 and #5 I like a lot and have on my To Do list. The rest SHOULD be on my list. I am not quite as ambitious as you are. Good luck to you!

  3. #6...I want to expand my list of go-to recipes too! Post the keepers :)



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