Tuesday, February 15, 2011

8 months!

How has this happened, 8 months already?! It still feels like just yesterday I was in the hospital giving birth to him. But then at the same time it feels like he has been apart of my life forever and couldn't imagine life without him and can't really remember what life was like before him. I am beginning to think I am always going to have a hard time believing he is another month older. Time just goes by too fast.

Blake stats:
Weight:  15lbs 15.5oz (He gained 2lbs in two months!)
Length: 26.5in (He grew 2.5 inches in two months!)
He is in the 5th percentile for height and weight.

Favorite Activities:
Army crawling EVERYWHERE! If I sit him on the floor it takes him about 2.3 seconds to get to his tummy and then he is off! Reading books/taking them of the bookshelf, going for walks, grocery shopping with mommy, play group and peek-a-boo.

Things he is learning: Clapping, waving, feeding himself, using a sippy-cup.

He is such a happy easy going baby! We are so blessed and LOVE him so much!



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