Friday, June 7, 2013

Blake is 3!!!

Blake is 3 today!! I can hardly believe I have a 3 year-old!! (I know, I know, I say that every time, but seriously, the time just flies by!) 

  I'm changing up the yearly posts a bit. I've seen this idea floating around Pinterest where you ask the same set of questions every year on their birthday and record the answers to see how they change. So, starting with the 3rd Birthday, instead of me telling you things about Blake, Blake will get to tell you things about himself! 

Yearly Birthday Questionnaire:
Name: He wrote his name using his right hand
Age: 3
1. My favorite color is: Beaber Orange and Blue (aka beaver, because that's the only kind of orange out there, duh :)
2. My favorite toy is: Fast cars
3. My favorite food is: Heart sandwich (pb&j cut in the shape of a heart) and hot dogs
4. A food I don’t like is: Broccoli ("pee-u-ee!")
5. My favorite show to watch on TV is: Mickey Mouse
6. My favorite thing to wear is: Clothes 
7. My favorite game to play is: Fast cars and movies
8. My favorite sport is: Baseball game, football and soccer 
9. My favorite animal is: Cow and Raven
10. My favorite song is: "woop woop style way a woop woop" (Gangnam Style)(Yes my just-turned-3-year-old knows Gangnam Style... don't judge:)
11. I love the book: "Bibles"
12. My best friend is: Tristan, Logan and Luke
13. When I’m outside, I love to: Play football with Nike football
14. My favorite holiday is: "I like movies" (I don't think he quite understood what holiday means)
15. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? "My Blankies; grey blankie, blue blankie, bear blankie, ni night, Giraffie, Elmo and George pillow."
16. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? "Pizza!"
17. When I grow up I want to be: "A fire fighter guy!"

Now on to the pictures!

(oh the cheesiness, how I love that smile!)

 (it was nearly impossible to get a good smile-looking-at-the-camera picture)

 (but I think these pictures do a good job showing his spunk and crazy personality!)

Happy 3rd Birthday Buba!!!
We LOVE you!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the "What's your favorite thing to wear? Clothes" and "I love the book: Bibles" so so sweet!



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