Friday, September 14, 2012

Due Date Day {come on Lily!}

Today is Lily's "due date"! Blake was born on his due date so I never made it past this day with him and because of that really didn't think I'd make to my due date with Lily. But here I am at 10:14pm September 14th 2012 and I'm still very pregnant. 

I was talking about it with a friend today and we both don't understand why they give you a "due date". We agreed that it should be more of a "due range" of like 2 weeks. Since most babies are born between 39 and 41 weeks of pregnancy. We thought that made much more sense then a due date because seriously, how many babies are actually born on their due date? Not many that I know of!

I am trying not to get hung up on the whole due date thing though. I'm really trying to enjoy every last moment I have with Blake and being just his mom. Although we have talked a lot about Lily joining our family and I think he kind of gets it, {just kind of} his little world is going to be turned upside down. So for him I'm trying to make the most of these last few days {however many that may be}.

Since I don't have any cute baby pictures to share here are a couple from our last beach trip as a family of 3! {still hard to believe there will be 4 of us soon!}

Maybe the next post will be of Lily's arrival! {lets hope!}


  1. Hope these next few days or so give you a chance to relax, enjoy family, and get any odds and ends done that you have left to do Sara! Looking forward to hearing the news that Lily is ready to come out and meet everyone :)

  2. Hang in there and nap lots! You are doing awesome!!!! Stay positive friend!!! Cherish these last few days with B!! Love you SOO much!



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