Monday, September 3, 2012

38 weeks!

I can't believe I'm already 38 weeks. Lily could be here any day... crazy!
We have been back from vacation for a couple weeks now and I pretty much have everything checked off the "before Lily arrives" to-do-list which is a great feeling!
Now I'm hoping to get back into sharing our life via the blog. Which will mean more posts to come in the near future... unless Lily decides to arrive. 
So for now here's a "belly pic" and a few notes I wanted to remember.
39 weeks with Blake on the left 38 weeks with Lily on the right
Some 38 week notes:
-This pregnancy has been a bit different then the first. Lets just say chasing after a toddler doesn't allow for much resting. Thankfully I've been healthy enough to do so!
-Lily is a mover! She moves way more then I remember Blake moving.
-Organizing one {small} closet for a boy and a girl was a bit challenging. But the task is done! And sorry to say Blake, your sister has taken over.
-I think I've been having more braxton hicks contractions then last time.
-I've had heart burn just as bad or worse then with Blake... maybe she'll have lots of hair.
-My weight gain has been less this time around, maybe it has to do with that toddler I'm chasing around.
-I've been able to wear my wedding ring the whole time!
-Being pregnant durring the summer hasn't been as miserable as I thought it would be. But has made me thankful for our mild summers in the Pacific Northwest.
-When we found out we were having a girl we had a name picked out. As time went by that name just wasn't settling with me right. So we decided to change it. I'm not even sure how we came up with Lily but I love it and now can't imagine her with any other name. 
-I can't wait for Blake to meet his little sister. I think he's going to be one awesome big brother!


  1. You are looking great Sara! I am so excited for you and your family. Can't wait to meet precious Lily :)

  2. Anxious to hear the news that Lily has made her arrival! Blessings on your final baby preparations, and may your labor and delivery be short and sweet!

  3. YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE MAMA!!!!!!! Soooo excited!!!!



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