Wednesday, September 7, 2011

15 months!

15 months!! I can't believe Blake is already 15 months! It's been awhile since I have done a "Blake update" so here we go...

Blake stats:
Blake has been walking for a little over a month now. I would say he has pretty much mastered walking and is now beginning to run!
He is a very busy little boy, only stopping to eat and sleep. He always amazes me at how fast he can get all his toys out, all at once it seems. 
We have definitely entered the "toddler years".
We are learning what the word "no" means. He loves to run in the bathroom (if the door is open) and wreak havoc aka: unroll the tp, play in the toilet or empty the diaper pail... thankfully we have always caught him before any of this takes place.
He is a chatter box, always babbling about something. But so far the only words I really understand are dada and bye. 
He knows the sign for more.
He now has 4 yes, I said 4 teeth!!!! They have come in in the most random order starting with the top right canine! Then the bottom right, top left, and the other top canine just popped through. You might not believe me since you can't see them in the pictures but do believe me, they are there and are slowly working their way up or down!
Despite his lack of teeth he pretty much eats anything. He loves LOVES fruit. Vegetables not so much.
He is still taking two naps a day. An hour or so one in the morning and then anywhere from 2-3 hours in the afternoon. And he sleeps 7:30pm-6:30am generally. He sleeps like a champ :) (I am a lucky mama)
When he hears music he dances. Its too cute.
He wears mostly size 12 month.
He is turning into a very curious little guy. 
He brings so much joy to our lives! Its the best thing to waking up to his hugs and kisses every morning!


  1. Aww Blake! That's so funny about his random! Also I miss the duel naps...that would be so nice. :)

  2. It cracks me up that he likes playing in the toilet. What a boy. He is just growing up too fast!

  3. He is so cute!!! Can't believe how big he is getting. His mama is doing a great job taking pics and documenting as he grows :)



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