Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mac 'n' Cheese

We're back, well kinda... we are now in Medford spending some more time with my sister and nephew who are visiting from Virginia. We had a wonderful vacation which always seems to end too quickly... more on that and the wedding to come! But for now I thought I would share some pictures from dinner tonight...
Mac 'n' Cheese mmmmm yum!
 we are still practicing how to use a bowl...
right now it's more fun to flip it upside down and watch the mac 'n' cheese come out of it
oh no! where did it all go?! 
 maybe it's in here somewhere
 trying out the fork
ok we need to work on how to use a bowl!
 now that's how you do it!
all done! 


  1. they are both so cute! Glad they get to hang out with each other and that you're getting to have lots of sister time too :)

  2. Looks like you guys had a mess on your hands. Those two boys are going to have so much fun growing up together as cousins!



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