Thursday, August 18, 2011

Acute Otitis Media

Definition - inflammation of the middle ear, or middle ear infection. AKA common ear infection. 

This would be number 4 Acute Otitis Media or ear infection for Blake :( It seems to always be the same pattern. He gets a runny nose, which I think is brought on with teething (yes, he still only has one tooth) and then the runny nose never goes away, then he ends up with an ear infection. I'm just hopping this doesn't mean tubes down the road. The poor guy is a trooper though, it doesn't seem to knock him down at all. Even though his ear has to be in pain he is still happy and sleeps well. I wouldn't even know he had an ear infection if I hadn't taken him to the doctor! Maybe the ear infections will go away when the teeth finally come in which I am hoping is soon!! 
But for now this is the toothless grin that I LOVE!

{I'm hoping to share with you about our trip to Black Butte here soon}


  1. poor Blake! You're right though, he is one happy little guy :) Miss you guys, hoping to come visit or have you come visit soon!

  2. Aww poor guy! I hope they go away once he gets teeth...hey Blake grow some teeth! :)

  3. Poor boy, I'm glad he handles them so well!



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