Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Homemade Birthday Banner

It seems like banners are the thing these days. I thought it would be fun to make a banner that could be our "family birthday banner" to hang for every birthday, every year as a family tradition.

Here's how I made it...

1/4 yard fabric for letters
1/4 yard each of 3-4 different fabrics (amount depends on size of triangles)
Heat and Bond iron on adhesive
Double fold bias tape
Thread to match

1. Make a pattern. I just used my computer to print a template. I played around with different size triangles and fonts till I found what I liked. For the font I used the outline of the letter to save ink.
2. Cut out triangles

3. Then sew edges (I only did the sides, not the top)
4. Cut edges with pinking scissors to help with fraying

{Now for the letters...}
5. Iron interfacing on to fabric for letters
6. Cut letters out of fabric with interfacing (make sure to cut them out so they read the right way)
7. Place letters on triangles
 8. Attach the letters to the triangle with Heat and Bond (measure the top of the triangle to the top to the letter so all the letters end up at the same height)
9. Hand stitch or sew the edge of the letters on to the triangle (I hand stitched them)
10. After all letters are on the triangles, lay them out (I used the floor since my table wasn't big enough) and pin the bias tape to them (sorry I didn't get any pictures of this, kind of hard to explain!) 
11. Then sew or hand stitch the bias tape to the top of the triangles
12. Find somewhere to hang and enjoy!


  1. I am so glad that you went back and put the correct link to your blog, or corrected whatever the problem was cuz... I liked the name of your blog, and I really wanted to check it out during the commenting challenge, but I am still scrolling through the list 2 days later for fun. :) That banner is cute, and thanks for posting the instructions. :) You have a great blog. :)

  2. This is so cute - I've been thinking about making one since I have a birthday to purchase for in the near future!

  3. The banner looked awesome at the party! What font did you use as a template for the letters?

  4. Thanks!
    Kira - the font I used was Tahoma. I tried to choose a simple one so it would be easy to sew round :)

  5. Very cute, I made one for our family too, a fun tradition for many years to come!

  6. You are so creative! This is awesome!



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