Monday, December 20, 2010

Trains, Planes and Automobiles (Part 2)

Sunday morning we woke up to more snow! This was exciting but, we were a little fright full of what it would mean for our travel plans home. We were to board the train at 9:30pm that night. If you have ever rode the train, you know that it doesn't take much (weather wise) to delay it. We knew that the train originated in Chicago and that area was also pummeled with a big winter storm so we had a suspicion that our train would be delayed. And it was.

9am delayed 2 hours with an estimated departure of time of 11:30pm (not too bad we could do a two hour delay)
10am delayed 4 hours
Noon delayed 5 hours (not a good pattern)
2pm delayed 6 hours. A estimated departure time of 3:30AM!!!

At 3pm Russ went down to the train station to figure out if there really was going to be a train for us to get on to. The gal at the counter informed him that the train was likely to depart Whitefish around 3:30am and could probably get us to Spokane, WA but then from there we would probably be put on a bus. Apparently  due to all the rain some of the tracks between Spokane and Portland had been washed out. Spokane is a 6 hour drive to Portland, and I did not want to find out how many hours it would take on a bus in the snow.

Thankfully we didn't have to. Russell's company provided us with airfare home. We were beyond thankful for that!! So in one trip Blake had his first train ride and airplane ride. We had a great time in Whitefish and I can't wait to visit again!


  1. oh wow sounds like an exciting adventure! So nice they flew you home too!

  2. Oh my goodness, taking the bus would have been horrible! I'm glad his company helped you out.

  3. Sounds like quite the trip! At least you got some good pics out of it :) Merry Christmas!



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