Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lily: 3.5 Months

With the business and chaos of Christmas this year and Lily getting sick (more on that to come) Lily turning 3 months kind of came and went. 
Lily turned 3 months on Christmas Eve. 
So here is a 3.5 month post.

3 1/2 months! 
Okay, I know the flower is a little much but I couldn't help it! And I thought the red was fitting for the time of year. 

Big brother had to get in a picture and then...
wanted to take a picture! Not too bad of a photo for a 2.5 year old!

Lily's 3rd Month:
Weight: With being sick pretty much since her 2 month appointment Lily hadn't done much weight gaining till about last week when she gained almost half a pound in one week! She now weighs 12lbs. 14.5 oz
Wears: Size 2 diapers but can wear size 3 and is just now in 6 month size clothes!
She was sleeping great while she was sick but since she's been better she's up 2-3 times a night. I've started to let her cry it out a little and sometimes she can put herself back to sleep and sometimes she needs help. I had been feeding her every time she would wake up so I think that explains the weight gain... trying to catch up from being sick! 
She's not really on a schedule yet, but does the wake, eat, sleep routine.
The blue eyes have definitely stuck around!
She can roll from her tummy to her back and is getting really close to rolling from her back to her tummy.
We have been blessed with a happy, easy going baby!


  1. So stinking adorable!! GLAD she is eating lots and growing! :)

  2. The photo of the two of them is great, Blake looks like such a proud big brother!

  3. oh my gosh that headband is adorable! She is such a cutie :) And Blake did a great job taking a picture of the two of you.



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