Thursday, December 20, 2012

Blake: 2.5 years

On December 7th Blake turned 2.5 (I know I'm a little late on the post, but better late then never right?)! 
I can't believe he is 2.5 (I think I say that every time). He has grown up so fast and still seems to change and learn something new every day. He is now talking non-stop and asks why after everything multiple times, even after the why question has been answered. It's more like a punctuation for him. 
He is full of life and energy! 
And is quite a challenge to get a good picture of. Sitting and smiling has become a game of "smile for 2 seconds then right when mom goes to take the picture, turn or run or do something to mess it up"!

He loves his little sister!
2.5 year-old stats:
Weight: 28.8 lbs
Hight: 34 3/4in
Favorite foods: Hot dogs, mac n cheese and pizza (what kid doesn't love those three foods?!), yogurt, and still any fruit.
He loves to "help" with Lily and doing the dishes (hope the dishes thing sticks but I have a feeling it won't).
His vocabulary has taken off and he now says all sorts of things and usually talks non-stop which is fun and exhausting at the same time :) 
Here are a few of my favorite Blake phrases: 
"Funny __________" (usually mama, dada or Bake go there)
"Bake happy"
"Lily eat lot" (it must seem to him that all mommy does is feed Lily)
"More again"
"Daddy work money" (one day he asked for daddy, I said daddy was at work, and then of course he asked why, so I said daddy has to go to work to make money so we can live in our house, and since then it's been "daddy work money" hahaha)
"What'd dat?" (this is almost as common as why)
He had so much fun going to a few football games this fall and often out of the blue yells "GO BEABERS!" (mostly when we are in a grocery store... thank goodness we live in beaver country :)
He is learning numbers and colors. If you'd ask him his favorite color he would say "beaver orange" and most the time if you ask him the color of anything he'll say "beaver orange" haha. 
Bedtime seems to be about 8pm these days and he is awake around 6:30am.
He is still napping about 2-3 hours a day in the afternoon and is now in a "big boy" bed! 
I still can't believe how fast he is growing up.
We love you so much, Blakers!


  1. It was so fun to watch him talking so much over the weekend. What an adorable little guy.

  2. I can't believe how big he is getting! He has such a fun personality. I know he keeps you on your toes Sara, but you are blessed with a very sweet little boy!



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