Wednesday, March 7, 2012

21 Months!!

Blake is 21 months old today! I can hardly believe that in three short months he will be 2! Where did my baby go?! I know I say this all the time, but I just can't believe how fast he has grown. 
This is the face he gives me when I ask him to smile for the camera

 It looks like he is posing in the picture, but I actually just happened to click the camera at the right time. Seconds later he was doing this...
busting a move... what he does best!

Some 21 months stats...
He weighs around the 22lb mark
He talks constantly. Most of his words are jabber and I can't understand them. Words I can understand are; mama, dada, bye, hi, ball, hot, bubbles (mean bath), I love you (sounds more like one word), yoyo (yogurt), Re-Re (Raven), Melmo (Elmo), night-night, I know there are more I'm missing and I'm sure when he finally starts really talking I am sure he won't stop.
He says hi and bye to random people in the grocery stores. They think it's pretty cute and I think most of them think he can say more and then he doesn't, he keeps saying "hi, hi, hi".
He went on his first major plane ride!
He now has 2 cousins!
Still sits rear facing in the car. Will probably turn the car seat around when he turns 2. But he doesn't seem to mind being rear facing.
He sleeps about 7:30-8pm-6:45am with one 2-3 hour afternoon nap.
He loves to dance!
He loves to help unload the dishwasher and its hard for him to understand that the dirty dishes need to stay in the dishwasher.
He loves playing at the park and has started throwing fits when it's time to leave {if you can imagine that!}
He loves Elmo and watching Sesame Street!
He is one busy, active toddler!
Baby #2 is on the way! Due September 2012!


  1. Yay! I'm so excited for you :)Congrats!

    I also kept Tristan rear-facing but will probably switch him around before his baby brother is here. Will you find out if you're having a boy or girl?

  2. It seems like his first birthday was just a couple of months ago! Time is flying by.

  3. What!?! Congratulations! Hooray!

  4. Ya, ya ya! Our babies will only be a few months apart!!! So happy for you guys! Blake is adorable and will make a great big brother!



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