Sunday, March 17, 2013

Lily and solids

I mentioned in Lily's 4 and 5 month post that we had been given the go ahead from our pediatrician to start solids, so we did shortly after that appointment and she hated it...

I tried pretty persistently for about a week and it seemed like the more I tried the more she HATED it. And I hated it too for that matter. {It's no fun trying to shove food into a screaming babies mouth ha!} So we stopped.
Then a few days ago tried again. Still didn't want anything to do with it. Wouldn't even open her mouth. I even tried banana {what baby doesn't like banana!?} So we stopped again.
Fast forward to tonight...
 I bought a sweet potato and dusted off the Cuisinart and tried to remember how to make baby food.
Surprisingly, she did accept the sweet potato better then I thought she would! And did better if the spoon was coming from dad. Still having a bit of a hard time convincing her to open her mouth, so we try to sneak it in when she smiles or talks. Once it was in the majority went down.
{But definitely likes her fingers best}
 I think we will stick the the sweet potatoes for a few more days and see if they get any easier. Then maybe try carrots or another veggie. 

If any of you have experienced a hard eater I would love to hear what you did to encourage solids. I've read little about the Baby Led Weaning approach and would love to hear more or know of some good resources out there on that approach. I am also somewhat hesitant to do that since she seems to gag a lot, but maybe that means she's not ready for solids? Would love to hear any advice!


  1. Looks like she enjoyed the sweet potato much more! She is so adorable Sara :) Alexis took the rice cereal much better from Greg than from me too. Hope she starts taking solids better for you. Looking forward to visiting more on Wednesday!

  2. We did BLW (read the book and some blog posts) and LOVED it! It's so intuitive. Quinn is a pretty good eater and I feel like it is 100% from that. How we went about it was we sat her in her high chair at the table with us at each meal. I'd put a couple pieces of food on her tray and let her do what she wanted with them. She'd usually pick it up and put it in her mouth. If she didn't like it, she'd just open her mouth and drop it. She really just liked being at the table with us to watch and listen. I didn't make anything special for her, just gave her pieces of what we were already eating. It was mostly play initially and then at about 7.5 months she started wolfing food down. It just magically clicked because she was ready developmentally and the opportunity was there. And she only choked a little bit once when she was close to a year old. Gagging is different and actually good because it teaches them about the proper size to put in their mouth. We are so glad we went this route and feel like meal times are such a treat with her! Please let me know if you want to chat more!

    1. Thanks for the info Jamie! I'd love to hear more... I'll email you :)

  3. Pearl loved solids from the start so I don't have much advice. We started with yams (which are practically sweet potatoes) and they were a hit in our house too.

  4. Lucas did the same thing! We discovered that he just wanted nothing to do with being spoon fed purees. I just started giving him tiny nibbles of soft food and as he got better at picking things up he was able to eat more. But the one exception was sweet potato! He would tolerate being fed that but only if it was a mashed up baked one- it didn't puree it at all.

    1. Hi Jenny! It's so funny how kids can be so different from their siblings! We had no issues with Blake and eating. Glad to hear Lily isn't the only baby refusing the spoon! Hope you guys are doing well!



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