Thursday, June 14, 2012


Blake turned 2 last Thursday! I know I say this every time I post a "monthly update" but I can hardly believe he is 2 already! The last 2 years went by so fast, so fast that I'm really trying not to blink anymore, or I know I'll blink and he'll be turning ten. He is turning into a little boy too quickly!

Blake Stats:
Weight: 24.6lbs {15th percentile}
Height: 32in {5th percentile} Poor kid is going to be short!
He seems to be learning new words everyday. He has started repeating what we say and loves to ask "why?" I don't really think he knows what it means yet to ask why, but I think he likes asking why because it gets us to talk to him more. He is always trying to talk!
His favorite foods are: Yoyo {yogurt}, ba-berries {strawberries or blueberries} and pizza- I think he would live on these foods alone if I let him. 
Bedtime has been pushed back a bit to 8ish. As the days got longer this spring, it seems harder to get him in bed anytime before 8pm. Unfortunately this later bedtime doesn't mean a later wake up time. He usually wakes up between 6:30-6:45am {but I'm not complaining!}
He LOVES being outside! He loves to help "bato the pants" {aka water the plants}.
He still sleeps in his crib. I'm not sure when we'll make the transition to the "big boy bed". I don't think he is, and I know I'm not ready to give up the crib. {His poor sister might be in a pack n play for awhile!}
We've semi-started potty training. The little potty is out and he sits on it and is successful about once a day. I'm hoping to work on it a lot this summer and hopefully {fingers crossed} have him mostly potty trained by the time little sister arrives. {But I'm not holding my breath over the matter}
He is one active little boy and there isn't anything I love more then being his mom!

Blake, I can't believe you are 2! I can't imagine life without you! You bring so much joy to our lives. You are constantly making me laugh and challenging me to grow to be a better mom. I love you so much and am so thankful God has allowed me to be your mom. You are going to make an awesome big brother! I love you!!

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