Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blake's Birth

It all started Sunday June 6, 2010 around 9:30pm. Russ and I were sitting on the couch watching TV. I got up from the couch to readjust my legs and as I sat back down I could feel that my pants were wet. I looked over at Russ and said "I think my water just broke." He looked at me like I was crazy, I went into the bathroom and sure enough my underwear and pants were wet. I really couldn't believe that my water had broke. I hadn't been having any labor pains and it wasn't like a big gush of water flowing out like you would think would happen, so I really didn't think this could be happening. I called the midwife and told her what had happened and she said if my water had truly broke then I would start having contractions within 12 hours. We were both shocked because this meant that he would be born on his due date!

About 3 weeks prior to this, the midwife had checked my progress and I was already dilated 3cm. From then on we were anticipating his arrival at anytime. But because I had never experienced any braxton hicks or contractions I had been preparing myself for him to be late and have to be induced. It was quite a shocked (to say the least) when my water brooke. 

After I talked to the midwife we called our parents to let them know what was going on. Then Russ started doing some last minute laundry and gathering of things. I really thought I would go to bed that night and wake up the next morning and nothing would be different. Boy was I wrong!

It was about 11:30pm by the time I got into bed. As soon as I laid down I started having the worst cramps ever. Then by about midnight the contractions started. Around 3:30am they were about 1 minute in length and 5 minutes apart so we headed to the hospital. 

Monday June 7th, 2010 around 4am we arrived to the hospital. The midwife checked my progress and I was already to a "squishy" 5cm. I then labored in the jacuzzi tub for awhile while I waited for the anesthesiologist to give me an epidural. The epidural was amazing. 

Around 6am I was wheeled into the labor and delivery room. At 8am I was already dilated to 10cm. My parents weren't there yet and I was exhausted so instead of starting to push at that point I was able to rest. Which was easier said then done. My mom arrived around 10am and I was ready to start pushing my contractions had slowed down and my epidural was so strong that I couldn't feel anything. From then on was kind of a blur. Eventually, I was given pitocin to help the contractions along. I started pushing around 11am and Blake was born at 2:56pm! 

After 14 hours of labor and 4 hours of pushing, I fell in love the most precious, amazing baby boy. The instant love and joy I felt for this little baby boy made the 14 hours of labor 4 hours of pushing and not sleeping for 24+ hours way way more then worth it. 
Its hard to believe he is already 2 weeks old! Thank you to all our family and friends not only have been there to support us through these last two weeks, but through the last nine months as we prepared to bring Blake into this world. We are blessed!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Blake Russell Bartlett

Blake Russell Bartlett
Born Monday June 7, 2010 (on his due date!) at 2:56pm
Weighing 7lbs 2oz and 19in long

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Is it really June 3rd?

Is it really June 3rd? When I look out the window I think its January 3rd, not June 3rd. Tonight we went on a walk in the rain, poring rain, hoping to help bring on labor. But so far no luck. I complain because I want warm sunny weather. But I think I should start being thankful its not warm and sunny because I have a feeling I would probably be a lot more miserable being 9 months pregnant if it were warm and sunny.

Here is what the sun looks like incase you forgot like I did. 



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