Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lily: 18 Months

She's definitely a toddler now! 
I can hardly believe she is one-and-a-half. 

Lily's 18 month stats:
She is almost 22lbs {not sure on her exact weight}
She has a mouth full of teeth. Four up top, four on bottom and 4 molars.
She can say, mama, dada, more, bubbles, uh-oh, no, Bade {aka Blake}, I know there is more... she tries to repeat us a lot, but it doesn't always sound like it should.
She loves to sing, and will sing with us at night when we sing Jesus Loves Me.
She does a great job feeding herself. Partly because there came a time when she refused to let me feed her.
She can throw quite the temper-tantrum. It's not pretty when she doesn't get what she wants or if her brother takes something from her.
She sleeps about 7:30-8pm to 7:30-8am she still wakes up occasionally at night, but it's usually worse when she's teething or sick. She will sometimes take a morning nap if she wakes up early or if we are in the car and she falls asleep, but usually it's just one nap from 1-3ish. 
She loves, playing outside, climbing on things, playing with her brother {most of the time}. Her favorite book is "Moo, Baa, La la la". 

She is growing up too fast! We LOVE you Lily!


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