First off, did you notice the date?! I'm actually posting this on her 7 month "birthday"! Yay for me, finally hahaha!
Some stats:
Weight: I'm going to guess 15ish pounds
She is almost able to sit unassisted!
She rolls everywhere. If there's something she wants she'll roll to get it.
She has found her voice! Sometimes she'll just squeal this high pitched squeal just because.
She had began to throw a fit if you take something she is playing with away.
She now goes in the nursery at church and mom's group!
Her two middle left fingers are her favorite. Doesn't use a pacifier anymore.
She is still waking up once or so a night to nurse, generally around 4am, and then goes right back to sleep.
She is still struggling with eating solids. She will now at least open her mouth for the spoon but as soon as I put a bite in she follows it with her finger. It's like she needs to suck on her finger to swallow the food. I've tried chunks of soft food but she just gags and gags and gags on it.
Lily, we can't believe how fast you are growing! We love you so much sweet girl!
Blake at 7 months