Last Saturday we went to the Zoo!
It was a beautiful day and the perfect way to spend the day after Russell's big test. {little side note: Russ took the Professional Engineering exam, its a crazy hard test he spent months and hours upon hours studying for, and then spent 8 hours taking and doesn't find out the results till July.}

We met Auntie KK at a MAX station and road the MAX to the Zoo since we figured parking would be nuts. And it was, because little did we know it was Packy the Elephants 50th Birthday on top of being a sunny day.

Blake was a little unsure about the big "choo-choo" that was coming down toward us but enjoyed the ride once we were on it.
This was Blake's third time to the zoo. We went once last summer, when we was barely walking and then we went to Zoo Lights this winter. This trip was so different then the previous two. Blake was so much more interested in the animals and loved walking and holding our hands. It was so much fun! He loved waving to all the animals and would say "bye!" as we walked away. If we lived closer we would totally have a season pass.
Waving to Packy the Birthday Boy
We even got to enjoy some of Packy's Birthday cake!
Family picture with the crazy face boy
Auntie KK, B and Russ
Blake and Auntie KK
He seemed like such a big boy walking and holding our hands
Lions and Hippos!
Waving to the Giraffe

On our way out of the park Blake discovered his shadow! It was pretty cute to watch him try to figure out where it was coming from and if he turned away from it he couldn't see it.
After the Zoo Blake spent the rest of the afternoon with Auntie KK and Russ and I went on a date!
It was the perfect way to spend the-Saturday-after-a-huge-test.
{Another little side note... today I'm 19 weeks!! Hard to believe I'm almost half way and in a week and a half and we find out if this baby is a boy or girl, I can't wait!}