Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4 Day Weekend for the 4th of July!

This morning was supper hard to send Russell off to work since we had just had a 4 day weekend with him at home. We rarely have 4 days were we are just home, just the 3 of us. It was so nice! We got lots of house painting done (we are painting the outside of our house... pictures to come soon) and had some fun as well!
On Saturday we took Blake swimming for the first time this summer. Our friends live in a neighborhood that has a pool so we joined them for a short swim. Blake wasn't really sure what to think of the water. He didn't splash like he does in the bath tub. I think he might have been a little overwhelmed, there were quite a few people there. I can't wait to take him again, I think the more we go swimming the more he will begin to like it. I really need to get him signed up for a mommy and me swim class!

Sunday we enjoyed church in the amphitheater for the first time this summer. I love church outside. There's just something about worshiping God in his creation. I love how in the summer there are baptisms after the service, I love watching them. I love the going to the church bbq. 
[this picture doesn't do the amphitheater it justice]

At the bbq after church, Blake had his first taste of Cheeto. He loved it. 
[disclaimer: they were baked Cheetos, that makes them better for you right?] [sorry the picture is so weird looking, it was taken with a phone]

The afternoon of the 4th we went to the Red White and Blue Riverfront Festival in Corvallis. After living here for almost 10 years I have never experienced a 4the of July here. We always seem to be traveling for the 4th. It was a nice change to be here but the Riverfront Festival wasn't what I was expecting. There weren't very many people there (which was actually really nice) and there just wasn't much to it. But we still had fun! 

We met up with our friends The Hammagren's and walked around the festival. None of the dinner options there sounded good and were quite pricey so we decided to walk over to McMenamins for happy hour. 

Blake had his first taste of lemon. Yes, that is a lemon in his mouth. We kept waiting for a funny face or reaction but he never made one! I guess he likes tart things.
After dinner we headed back through the festival and stopped to check out the water fountain!

All wet! 

Sadly we left before the fireworks started. I don't think Blake would have made it till 10pm. Hopefully next year he will get to see some fireworks. Russ and I didn't really get to see any fireworks either. Which felt strange. I can't recall a 4th of July were I didn't see fireworks! We tried watching some from our front yard but they weren't very easy to see although we could sure hear them. Actually, I take that back we did see some fireworks but they were on TV. I had no idea that they showed fireworks (I think it was from somewhere in NY and DC) on TV! It definitely was not the same as seeing them in person haha! Hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend!


  1. Yeah, fireworks on tv are kind of anticlimactic. It looks like you guys had a really fun weekend. I love long weekends!

  2. i'm here from Jenna's Journey! looks like y'all had a great weekend! cute blog! :)

  3. Stopping from Jenna' Journey! We had my husband home for four days too. We really enjoyed getting to spend more time with him.

  4. Stopping by from Jenna's Journey. I love the pictures of your little guy in the fountain. I have pictures like that of my son and they are some of favorite :)

  5. Hi there! Stopping by from Jenna's commenting challege. Your little boy is adorable!!

  6. No fireworks for us either :( Sadly, we are in a drought right now and they were completely banned in our county (including the city displays as well). It's just not the same feeling without them.

  7. Looks like y'all had a nice weekend! I love the church's amphitheater. So nice. I bet that water sprinkler felt good on a hot July weekend! :)

    Blake is too cute! Love the lemon face!

  8. Stopping by Jenna's Journey! I love the face Blake is making in your header! & I love watching Baptisms too! They are awesome! Nothing more awesome than people who love Jesus!!

    Newest follower (:

  9. Stopping by from Jenna's! That is really cool about your church doing services outside in the summer, I've never heard of that!

  10. What a fun day! Are those strollers BOBs? We just got a BOB double and I love it! So neat that you got to have church outside, I would love that!

    Thanks for participating in the challenge!



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