Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mia's Birth Story

Mia Louise
born three days before her due date,
on May 28th, 2015 at 11:01am

It was a Wednesday evening. On Wednesday evenings, we have House Church {it's a small group with church} and this week was our last official meeting for the year so we had a potluck with a bonfire and fellowship while the kids ran around and played. We didn't get home till after 9pm that night and the kids weren't in bed till way pass their bedtime. And same for us.

After going to be around 11:30pm, I woke up around 1:30am and just felt off. I'm not usually one to wake up in the middle of the night {even while pregnant} and not be able to fall back to sleep. I got up to go to the bathroom and then got back in bed, but couldn't sleep. I wasn't having any contractions that I could feel, but I did feel kind of crampy and still couldn't sleep. I went downstairs and sat on the couch for a little bit and had to go to the bathroom again, this time I had a bowel movement. {sorry for the TMI!} I'm not sure about you, but that usually doesn't happen to me in the middle of the night, so at this point I began to think, maybe this was the start of labor! {eek!}

About a half hour later I tried to go back to sleep. I was able to rest for about an hour or so but felt like I needed to go to the bathroom again and this time, when I got out of bed my water broke. About 3:45am I woke Russ up and told him what was happening, and then called the mid-wife and explained to the nurse that the last time my water broke I had the baby with in a couple hours, she didn't hesitate and told me to come right in. Around 4:45am we headed to the hospital.

By this point contractions hadn't really become regular or painful. We got settled at the hospital and around 5:45am I was 4cm and 80% effaced. Around 9am contractions really started to become strong and painful. Around 10:50am I started pushing, I pushed twice and she was born at 11:01am. Once contractions really started it was crazy how fast she came {which I was thankful for!}

As soon as she came out I could tell she was tiny. And she was! {And because of that I didn't tear, which made recovery so much quicker!}
Mia weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long

It was also Blake's last day of preschool
and Russ was able to make it in time to pick him up from school.
{thankful for my sweet friend Krista, who came to watch the kids and not only helped get Blake off to school, but also took pictures for me!}

That afternoon the kids came to the hospital to meet their new sister.

It has been such a joy to have another baby and watch Blake and Lily fall in love with their little sister. Looking forward to the times ahead as a family of five!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Mia is One Month!

A lot has happened since I last posted. So I'm just going to start back with where we are in life today. If I were to go back and try to catch up, it would unfortunately, never happen. But I'd really like to get back into posting more, since this is like our family scrapbook! 

As of yesterday we now have a one month old baby girl! 

Mia Louise was born on May 28th! 
{her birth story is to come}

I can't believe a month has gone by already. I never new four weeks could go by as fast as the last four did. Its amazing how fast time flies when watching a baby grow and change. 
One Month Stats:
Weight: 7lbs 6oz {almost gained 1lb since birth!}
Length: 19in
Wears: Newborn diapers and newborn clothes {she's a tiny one!}
Mia is most of the time, a content and happy baby. She is doing great with nursing, eating about every 2-3 hours durring the day. She loves being carried in the front pack and I'm thankful for that since it's the easiest way to carry her while chasing her brother and sister. She also is happy in her swing and likes to be swaddled. 
At night she is sleeping for about 5-7 hours and then again for 3-4 hours. {so thankful for a good sleeper and hoping it doesn't change}
Went on her first trip to Medford at 3 weeks old, met lots of family excited to see her. 
Mia has been a blessing to our family! Blake and Lily love her so much and are always asking to hold her and wanting to help with diaper changes and baths. We are so thankful God has blessed our family with another little girl to love! 
We love you Mia!

These two love her so much!

Blake, Lily and Mia all at one month!


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