Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lily: 11 Months

Really not sure how it's possible that Lily will be one in less then a month. This year has really, truly, flown by. Summer is ending, fall is coming and my baby is going to be one! 

{This was the only good picture I got of her. The others are of her scream or trying to rip her headband off.}

Lily: month 11
My guess is she's closing in on 18lbs
She eats mostly finger foods and loves fruit and meat, isn't much of a veggie fan. She eats three good meals a day and nurses 3-4 times a day. 
She has 2 bottom teeth and almost 4 top teeth! Teething surprisingly, still hasn't been too bad, thankfully!
She takes about 2 naps a day. Morning and afternoon and goes to bed between 7-8pm and wakes up between 7-8pm. 
She still does the army crawl everywhere and can now pull herself up to her knees but hasn't figured out how to get all the way up onto her feet yet, I think walking is still a ways away.
She can now wave and clap and we are working on some sign language.
She loves being outside, going for wagon rides, laughing at her brother and bath-time!
I seriously can't believe she is going to be one!

Note to self: next time take pictures after nap time.......

{She's really got the head throwing back thing down}

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lily: Months 9 and 10

FINALLY getting around to posting about Lily's 9th and 10th month! This summer has been a busy one! Hopefully one of these days I'll get around to posting about all the fun things we've been up to and some pictures of our new house. But for now here's an update on our little Lily who is now less then two months away form turning 1. Not sure how that is possible. 

Lily's 9th month had two HUGE milestones: Eating solids AND sleeping through the night!!! 
She has started eating pretty much everything! She didn't eat purees for very long. Now if she can gum it (and likes the way it tastes) she'll eat it! It makes meal times sooooo much easier! No more fingers in the mouth!
I think the eating solids helped with the sleeping through the night. It was the beginning of July when she stopped waking up for that mid-night snack. It's been great having an uninterrupted night of sleep! 
She nurses about four times a day (morning, mid morning, late afternoon and before bed) and eats three meals.
She wakes up between 7-8am naps around 9-10am nap again around 1pm-3ish and then goes to bed between 7-8pm
We moved into our new house during her 9th month and now she has her own room!
She was in her first wedding! She was the little flower girl in her Aunt Kacie and Uncle Danny's wedding!
She is a very content baby!

 Not so happy about the picture taking going on. 

10 Months!!
(I really can't believe she's 10 months)
Weight: at her 9 month well check (which was really at 10months) she weighed 17lbs 14.5oz
She's been working on the crawling thing. She does the army belly crawling just like Blake did. She hasn't been trying to pull herself up on anything and she is pretty wobbly when she tries to stand so I think walking is a ways off, but I'm ok with that ha!
She has 2 bottom teeth! The top ones look like they are getting close. She has teethed like a champ! 
She has started throwing fits if she can't have something she wants or if Blake takes something away from her. She can also turn it on and off real quick, it's crazy how young they learn that, ha!
Overall she is still a very happy, easy going baby! 
Can't believe her first birthday is right around the corner!


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