Friday, September 28, 2012

She's Here!

Lily Marie Bartlett
Born Monday September 24, 2012 at 11:31am
Weighing 8lbs 9oz and 20 3/4in long

Friday, September 21, 2012

41 weeks.

Yes, you read that title right. I am 41 weeks pregnant today. I really didn't think I would make it this far, but apparently Lily is in no rush to join us on the outside world. 
I went to the doctor this morning and they monitored her heart rate and checked the amniotic fluid and everything looks great. I was however, all prepared to be admitted to hospital and have a baby today, but since everything still looks good and she's nice and happy in there we will wait another two days to see if she comes on her own. {On the bright side, I think} I am already dilated to 5cm! Which means once I do go into labor I need to pretty much head straight to the hospital so we don't have a baby in the car... not sure if this is a good or bad thing... I feel like a ticking time bomb, ha! But if she's not here by Monday morning I'll go into start the induction process.
It's interesting because I had totally prepared my self for the possibility of being late and being induced with Blake {especially because that was my mom's experience and my sister's}. But this time around I totally thought she would come early and therefore, on her own. One thing I've always told my pregnant friends is to not have certain expectations when it comes to labor and delivery and then be disappointed if it doesn't go how you wanted it to. Now I'm trying to listen to my own advice and remember that no matter how it happens {induction or not, epidural or not} I'll still be holding a precious little baby at the end of it all. 
I am a little afraid Lily will be on the bigger side {she's had an extra week to bake!}. I don't remember being quite this uncomfortable when I was pregnant with Blake. And I have awful stretch marks {way worse then with Blake} that itch like crazy all. the. time. And I literally go to the bathroom all. the. time. My mom is here and will be till Lily is born so Russ and I are taking advantage and going on a date tonight! 
It feels good to know there is a light at the end of the pregnancy tunnel... All in God's perfect timing :)

On a side note....
This huge moving truck is in front of my sisters house {as I type} loading up all there belongings and will be heading to OREGON!!!! Michelle, Carlos and the boys will fly into Portland on Wednesday for good! 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Due Date Day {come on Lily!}

Today is Lily's "due date"! Blake was born on his due date so I never made it past this day with him and because of that really didn't think I'd make to my due date with Lily. But here I am at 10:14pm September 14th 2012 and I'm still very pregnant. 

I was talking about it with a friend today and we both don't understand why they give you a "due date". We agreed that it should be more of a "due range" of like 2 weeks. Since most babies are born between 39 and 41 weeks of pregnancy. We thought that made much more sense then a due date because seriously, how many babies are actually born on their due date? Not many that I know of!

I am trying not to get hung up on the whole due date thing though. I'm really trying to enjoy every last moment I have with Blake and being just his mom. Although we have talked a lot about Lily joining our family and I think he kind of gets it, {just kind of} his little world is going to be turned upside down. So for him I'm trying to make the most of these last few days {however many that may be}.

Since I don't have any cute baby pictures to share here are a couple from our last beach trip as a family of 3! {still hard to believe there will be 4 of us soon!}

Maybe the next post will be of Lily's arrival! {lets hope!}

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Black Butte 2012

This {I believe} was the fifth summer {in a row} for us to vacation in Black Butte Ranch. We almost didn't go this year. But at the last minute my dad changed his mind and ended up booking the trip anyway and said whoever is available to come can come. And I am so glad he did! It is probably one of my favorite places to go. It is always relaxing. Well, maybe it's not as relaxing as it was five years ago when there were no toddlers or a baby, but we always have a great time! Here are some pictures {or a lot pictures} of what we did {in between nap times}...

We spent lots of time at the pool
 Blake got pretty good at jumping in from the edge as long as there was someone there to catch him
The boys

 The boys did lots of running on the golf course before bedtime.
It became a nightly event to go look for deer. If they didn't find any Blake would say "deer go night, night".
Before we had kids {or when we aren't hugely pregnant} we would walk to this creek several times. It is about a 2 mile loop. I only did it once this year.

 The cousins
Trying to touch the water, which was freezing cold!
Love walking this bridge!
 Views from the walk
We hung out on the patio in the evenings

The boys being boys

The sunsets were beautiful
We went shopping at the Old Mill District
The boys did some wrestling in the grass
We went to the Metolius River and the Wizard Falls Hatchery

The boys loved looking at the fish 

And feeding them!

{or more like sisters}
And we always have to take a family photo
And of course we drank lots of Sisters Coffee!
I'm already looking forward to next year!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


I turned 29 today. 
When I was sixteen, twenty-nine sounded sooo old. 
Now sixteen sounds so young! It's funny how that happens, hahah. 
It's the last year of my 20s, wow! 
It's going to be a good year!
39 weeks pregnant with Lily... hoping she comes any day!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bartlett Family Reunion

Back in July we had a family reunion with Russell's Dad's side of the family. Russell's Grandparents who live in Arizona were up visiting and his cousins who were living in Oklahoma had just moved back so it was the perfect opportunity for us all to get together. And it was the first time in several years since we had all been together!
Here are some pictures...
 Blake helping filling up the pool
 Don BBQ-ing  
The kid table, with the new kids in the family!
 All the Great-Grand kids
{starting on the left: Blake 2yrs, Ryan 3.5yrs, Emily 2yrs and Levi 3mos old} 
 GiGi with her Great-Grand kids
 GiGi and the youngest

 GiGi and all her grandkids

The whole Bartlett family
 Our family 
{back from left: Russ, Me, Kacie, Danny, Don, Pam, Blake}
Russell's Uncle Alan's family
{back from left: Sharon, Zach, Levi, Jesse, Uncle Alan, Aunt Linda, Ryan and Emily}

 They also threw a surprised shower for Baby Lily! 
 I was quite surprised when Kacie walked out the door holding balloons, a cake and presents!
 It was fun to be able to share some of the present opening with Russ and Blake!

It was so great to have all of us together and Blake loved playing with his 2nd cousins!


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