Thursday, May 26, 2011

First Hair Cut

Blake had is first hair cut today! I had a hard time deciding if he really needed one but after a few comments from friends I decided it was time. I guess it just felt funny cutting his hair because I'm sure I didn't have my first hair cut till I was probably two (he's not even one yet). But he is a boy so maybe it's a little different. It worked out perfect too because my friend's sister who cuts hair just so happened to be coming through town and was able to cut!

 He sat still for the most part. 

It doesn't really look much different but now it doesn't split down the middle in the front or catch on his collar in the back. Thank you Katy!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My first Mother's Day

For Mother's Day we enjoyed a nice day just the 3 of us. I woke up to Russell making me this french toast for breakfast. Blake even slept till 8ish (but I think that was in part to his oddly being awake from 2-4am)(I guess he just felt the need to wish me an extra early happy mother's day, not my idea of a happy mother's day haha). The french toast was delicious! 
 Durring breakfast I opened my Mother's Day gift... 
 I love it!! Russell ordered it from here. I don't wear much any jewelry except my wedding ring. So when my good friend showed me this website I thought hey, I could wear that, it's nice and simple and would go with pretty much whatever I wear. That's my kind of jewelry. Simple. 
After we had breakfast, we franticly got ready and headed to church. 
After church we went to Starbucks and I enjoyed my favorite, a Carmel Machiato, yum! Then we went out to a little nursery off of Peoria Road and bought some flowers to plant in the pots on the deck. We headed home after that. When we got home we had lunch and then Blake took a 3 hour nap! While he was napping Russ and I did just the normal Sunday stuff around the house. It was a great day!

At church the Pastor spoke about three different mothers in the Bible (two were "good" one was "bad"). He talked about how the Bible didn't give much insight into what kind of mothers these women were, but how we did know what kind of women they were. And through knowing what kind of women they were we could gain what kind of mothers they were. They were women who saw God as holy and feared the Him. Another thing the Pastor said that really stood out to me was that it wasn't our idea to honor mom's, it was God's idea. 

Before this Mother's Day, my first Mother's Day, I kind of just saw it as a "hallmark holiday" just another one of those holiday's. But after becoming a mother there is much more to it then that. Being a mom is one of the most important jobs I will ever have. And I am so thankful, (even more thankful now) for my mom. I can't say thank you enough to you, mom, for you unconditional love, for everything you have done for me my whole life. Thank you, I love you! 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

11 Months!

11 months! How did that happen?! I can't believe how fast the last 11 months have gone by.

He is CONSTANTLY moving so it is getting really hard to get a good picture of him!

Blake stats:
He loves to feed himself finger foods or to try grabbing the spoon as its going to his mouth which can make it kind of a challenge to not get food everywhere.
He had is first yogurt a few days ago and loved it! 
He has started waving!
He will clap when we sing "If your happy and you know it"
He is still is army-crawling but will occasionally crawl on his hands and knees. 
He is getting more adventurous on what he pulls him self up on. 
He has even taken a couple steps while holding on to something. 
He is still wearing mostly 9 month size clothing but can fit into 12 month (he's still a little guy!)


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